[Shr-User] [SHR] #1491: Desktop icons not shown if phone was re-booted after first boot
Benjamin Deering
2012-08-04 11:55:28 UTC
#1491: Desktop icons not shown if phone was re-booted after first boot
Reporter: nschle85 | Owner: jama
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: blocker | Milestone: shr-2012.01
Component: Other | Version: SHR-core
You can also have a "cards" like overview of your running apps (like on
palm pre).
To use this, you need compositing enabled and need to bind a key to
trigger that view.
could you for example use the split screen icon in the top bar for this?
and if so how would one proceed (which settings menu to look at)?

I only have about 25 icons total on my desktop so having 5 subdesktops
isn't helpful. Maybe I will look at what it would take to disable the
subdesktops and always work from the main one, with the bottom shelf
disabled too. This would end up being like illume-home, but without the

